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Awesome Garden Design With Stones and Rocks

Decorating the garden is not an easy task, but if you want to create amazing and unique garden decoration consider including stones and rocks.

The rocks you choose will help set the tone for the rest of your garden and can be a great decorative detail.
Small pebbles or river rocks add warmth, while white stones will brighten up the whole space.

Stones complement the landscape, and can make your ordinary garden unique and modern place where you can enjoy. For more ideas check these 15 stylish garden designs that use stones and rocks.

Awesome Garden Design With Stones and Rocks Awesome Garden Design With Stones and Rocks Reviewed by My Garden of Flowers on 15:12 Rating: 5

Impressive Corner Wall Designs

I wanted to inspire you to make the most of the dull walls, so for today, we have a collection of Corner Wall Designs and I think that you will like them.

An interesting shelf design will not only dress the wall in your hallway, bedroom or living room, but will give you extra storage to display your favorite family photos, books and other decorative items.

Impressive Corner Wall Designs Impressive Corner Wall Designs Reviewed by My Garden of Flowers on 14:57 Rating: 5

Great DIY Garden Pathway Ideas

Pathways take the focal point in your garden. That is why we should take care of their look and of course of their functionality. There are many different pathway ideas made of many different materials.
What I am going to present you today is a great idea on how you can make your garden pathway using stones. Stones are easy to be found and they are very cost effective. In the following collection you will see pathways of white stones and many other combinations.

Great DIY Garden Pathway Ideas Great DIY Garden Pathway Ideas Reviewed by My Garden of Flowers on 14:14 Rating: 5

Most Creative Ideas For Styling Your Home With Indoor Herb Gardens

Today, we will share some Ideas For Styling Your Home With Indoor Herb Gardens. So, instead of growing decorative indoor green plants, you may do yourselves a favor and grow some real herbs that will be decorative as well.

Well this collection of ideas on how to redecorate your dream home with something cool and creative, just take a look inside.

Most Creative Ideas For Styling Your Home With Indoor Herb Gardens Most Creative Ideas For Styling Your Home With Indoor Herb Gardens Reviewed by My Garden of Flowers on 14:03 Rating: 5

Elegant Queen - Meet Calla flower

Calla is known for its snow-white flowers, funnel shape, which is most often used for wedding bouquets. It originates from the wetlands of South Africa, and therefore, if we grow as a flower pot, we have growing to the rhythm of her life at home.

 For lovers of flowers is more convenient to purchase in August tuber and planted it in a flower pot in a mixture of two parts of meadow land, one part listovací, one part garden soil and a little old. fertilizers. If the soil is thin, low in nutrients, wastage will indeed develop the list, but will not bloom.

 Care should be taken tuber planted not deep. If you have a garden, it is best that together with pot dig into the ground until the beginning of September, and if it's impossible, should the pot with tubers put on a balcony or windowsill.

 When you plant the chase, and the young bursts through the earth in the pot, we'll make it in a cold room. It should always think that the wastage wetland plant, and is, except during sleep from June to August, should be abundantly watered so that the pad is still some water.

 In December, when the list is already fully developed, we can enter into a warm room and keep it at a temperature of about 12 ° C to a bright window.

Kala is with us grown as indoor flowers, and also over the summer can be as garden flowers. Kala growing as wetland plant in puddles of Africa, which in times of drought completely evaporated. 

She survives drought by fleshy rhizomes, but with early rains again chase the new leaves and flowers. This periodic course of life and must be at room care to respect.

 Time of flowering falling in the winter months and lasts until spring. At that time must be at the light, not a hot place. During flowering it should be abundantly watered and fed at regular intervals of one week.

From the second half of May the plant needs rest. Ceases to be watered and fertilized and allowed to die off all green leaves. 

In late June, the plant is removed from flower beds, cut off the dry leaves and remove dry land between the roots. After that, the plant in the garden at this place in the afternoon easily overshadowed. 

Pit planters filled with good earth for flowers, need much watering.
If you do not have a garden, then plant them in flower garden and a lot of watering. In late September, the plant clay bale removed from flower beds and planted in the flower garden of a certain size.

 In mid-October to enter the house, but not in a warm room. Only when it becomes cold settled in the living room and there is often all spray because it requires high humidity.
It is once a week feed ​​solution of fertilizer for flowers. Propagation is by dividing directly behind the standstill period.
Elegant Queen - Meet Calla flower Elegant Queen - Meet Calla flower Reviewed by My Garden of Flowers on 23:23 Rating: 5
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